22/7/2018 Logging equipmentPrior to insulating the house and to provide a baseline, I have set up sensors in each of the rooms. I decided to log humidity as well as temperature because control of water vapour is upper most in my mind as I plan the work. I intend to put sensors behind the insulation to monitor what is going on with regards to water vapour and condensation causing cold bridging problems, and also to give an idea as how effective the insulation is.
The development hardware was the humble Arduino UNO R3 and a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor, but the low cost of ESP8266 NodeMCU WiFi boards seemed like a no brainer, so several are deployed around the house. Another batch of sensors based on the Bosch BME280 will be purchased and add barometric pressure to the data logging. I have read they are very accurate, but they are certainly very inexpensive at £1.09 each. The backend is a simple mysql/php setup and the ESP8266s log to it every half hour or so. |
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